Thursday, April 2, 2009

Kimberly Ann Smith

My wife, my lover, the mother of our son, my best friend, my soul mate, my major frustration and my muse for living, on her 51st birthday, passed away this afternoon. Here are some of my memories of Kim.


Blogger Ron said...

Kent, I can't put into words my feelings right now. We just had a conversation around this at lunch the other day. I certainly am sorry for your loss and the many feelings you must be experiencing right now. I think you know my spiritual believes, but for now I just hope she is in a place free of pain, torment and one of peace.

You friend and partner in sorrow,


April 4, 2009 5:47 PM  
Blogger Barbara said...

Kent, I was sitting at my desk, which is my spot this time of the year, when I saw the e-mail from you. I am shocked, she is so young. I just spoke with Kim a couple of weeks ago. The photo of the three of you when Grayson is an infant is exactly how I picture you to this day.

God bless you at this time of sorrow and in the days ahead when you have to learn to live without your love.


April 4, 2009 6:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think Kim will like her new wings. I went to school with Kim. One day at Jordan Junior High School she wrote on wall in the 300 bathroom " run to the hills the Margarita are coming" we laugh for weeks over that. I will remember her crazy sense of humor. Let Kim wrap her wings around you and carry you through this difficult time.
I am truly sorry for your loss.
Margaret Lynch
(aka Margarita)

April 5, 2009 7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also went to school with Kim and she was always a safe place for me to go. She was kind, considerate, nourishing, funny, calming, and so sweet. I will always cherish those memories of her.

My prayers go out to you and your son as you work through this difficult time.

God Bless
Kelly Oswalt

April 6, 2009 9:09 AM  
Anonymous Owen said...

Hi Kent
I have been out of town, hence the tardy reply.
Stay close to your Saturday and Wednesday friends.
I hope that Kim has found the peace that she has sought for do long.
Thoughts, prayers and support are with you good freind.

April 6, 2009 11:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I met Kim back in grade school. And although I have not seen Kim in many years, once you have been friends with Kim you will never forget her. Her smile and the way she would laugh...a feeling of compassion, kindness and the spirit of friendship will always be remembered.

I'm so sorry for your family's

Sue Walker-Robbins

April 8, 2009 12:14 AM  
Blogger Shannon said...

I remember the days several of those photos were taken. Are you on a road to healing or still looking for the exit?

August 23, 2009 9:03 PM  

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