Wednesday, March 18, 2009

soy doodle too cute latte

There I am again
Cafe Trieste
Does Kent ever go home?

Do I? Have I ever been?

Bay blows by

Pencil, gum smudge
charcoal papers
of soy doodle
too cute latte
paper cups
on the sideway walk
reaching down over my shoulder
came that thought
the picture of that day
that poem came down and
one word played
it out on my page
put a space here
one big word
I put a space around it
my word made the space engage

Whose face, whose porkchop cap
is that, the shaw, the coat
on the sidewalk shoes talk
with winter sidewalks are cold
sunny sideways old broken cement
my funny friend wants those fabers
those castells
those fascinating writing instruments in the
Graf von Faber-Castell collection

"marking BOLD moving" she says
but they go flying
everything on the ground
these old hands can't hold them
that is the pattern as I get old then
everything on the ground these days

...where did that poem go on that day
that one word?

She says, "Hey, Hi, lookie there"
handsome chaps fiddle and drumming it
soft jazz and soft breeze and softeaze
warm bundles of bright red cheeks
roasty coffee smells good
smiling eye to eye
with one word
they talked the day away

Breeze in the trees
fine clothes

Cafe Trieste
Does Kent ever go home?
I never go,
never been.


Blogger Kent said...

This poem is dedicated to E. Love you, dear E.

August 3, 2009 3:58 PM  

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